Mob Mentality

When you are so sure you are in the right, that there is no place for the concept of truth, you have arrived at mob rule.  America and its reliance on the two hundred and forty some year old Constitution, and a tradition of rights of the individual and rule of law, teeters at the brink.  In a circus of innuendo and show trial, half the country is willing to throw away the incredibly hard won rights that protect the citizen against the tyranny of the mob, for the prize of a judicial seat on the Supreme Court.

The role of advise and consent that was applied to the Senate by the framers of the Constitution could not have predicted the bastardization of the process that has infected the last forty years.  the Supreme Court was considered the weakest of the three branches, positioned only to make sure that the laws applied by the other two branches respected the limitations of the Constitutional document.  Laws were to be proposed and passed by the people’s representative, the Legislative Branch, and executed by the Executive Branch.  The Court was to secure that laws carried the weight of their intent, and the limitations of their scope as referenced in the Constitution, not formulate the laws themselves.

Somewhere, this went terribly wrong, when the Supreme Court determined to define a law’s intent rather than its constitutionality.  The Democrat Party, having failed through election to achieve societal transformation rapidly enough to secure its permanent position of power, looked to the court as the extra legal way of securing the transformation without being answerable to the voters,

Of all the torrents of societal tumult that led to the wholly unexpected triumph of the renegade candidate Trump to the Presidency, the balance of the Supreme Court was likely the overriding decision maker for the discerning voter.  Trump promised to resist the transformers, and secure textualists to the bench, that would restore the court to its appropriate place in the governance of the country.  When the impossible happened and Trump won, the initial intent was to wound Trump so severely that he would be distracted from his court conversion with the overriding task of defending himself against the onslaught.   It turns out Trump has thus far proved immune to the crushing attacks, and the internal deep state efforts to create subtrifuge have become to crumble.  Gorsuch was the Scalia seat, so the game of destruction was not likely to succeed, but Anthony Kennedy has been the “swing” vote that had allowed the court to maintain undue influence on extra-constitutional processes.  The wound of losing the swing vote was too much to bear, and the politics of destruction were advanced to all out war.  Avoiding the hundreds of hours of testimony and attestations, the party waited until the clock shortened suffienctly to assure the trap was set correctly, than supported through the arm of the accomplice media, pressured the deliberation into an effective show trial.  An accusation without collaboration is the ultimate weapon, as one must deny the accuser rather than the unsupported accusation.

The Soviet show trials of the 1930s and the Red Guard public humiliations of the 1960s did not make any assumptions of fact or truth – none were required.  The process simply put the indiviual on trial for standing in the way of the mob’s justice, and the decisions were preordained.

Brian Kavanaugh knew his judicial philosophy represented a threat to the radicals that had determined as President Obama had stated, to literally transform the nation regardless of the nation’s desire to be so transformed.  He  could not have recognized, however,  that the simple reality of having grown up male in the 1980s would be a dagger to the heart of a fair and respectful review.

Its not clear that Kavanaugh will survive the attacks politically and achieve the seat on the court that he is overly qualified for.  Regardless of outcome, he has been wounded permanently by the new Red Guard that are willing  destroy the country before they give up the fight to resist those that would restrict their power.

Sad to say, the people likely felt the same way in 1860.  Let’s hope we find some way out of the vortex.

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