The Age of the Globians

Globian in Chief
Globian in Chief

It is such a stressful time for those traditionalists among us that have considered the 2600 years since the Greeks brought forth the birth of western man as a rational and contemplative individual a journey of great achievement.  The tract of progress that in the proceeding thousands of years has been fitful and at times violent, but ever forward. Schools of philosophy and logic. Concepts of democracy and republicanism.  Rights of property and the rule of law.  Principles of free speech and freedom of faith.   Objectivity of learning , and the method and rigor of science. Obligations and privileges of citizenship. From the 6th century BC onward, the concepts have been at times celebrated and at other times attacked, but the ramparts of civilization have held fast against the multiple threats of hedonism, anarchy, and revanchism by totalitarian tides.

Unfortunately, our current age is under attack, and this time the enemy is from within.  It is possible that the maturation of western ideals is now in its progressively senile old age, and the practitioners of modern western thought are suffering under a form of cognitive dementia.  The syndrome is rudderless globalism, and the advocates a new ethnic group I am coining the descriptor,  Globians.

What is a Globian?  You might recognize the Globian in Chief referenced above, but this time, a thousand words speaks a picture.  In this progressively post western world that the Globian aspires to, nothing less than the total transformation of civilization from the focus on the individual, to the comfort of the collective is desired. The Globian strives for the re-ordering of what was once considered unalienable, and the process to get there moves on many fronts.

History      The Globian works to detach society from the chronological connection to its past. The concept of history is not to be about understanding what happened, but defining how it is to be remembered. Ask a globalist regarding the dates of the American or French Revolution, the first man on the moon, or the Civil War and you are likely to get a bizarre answer.  Years have no meaning to the Globian because past history is seen as imperial, hegemonic, and racist.  The connection of one event to another chronologically has no meaning because the history of man until recently has been seen as elevating the individual while denying classes of people.  History is remembered only as it fits the narrative. For instance, take President Obama’s insistence that the inspiration of the civil rights march of Reverend King across the bridge in Selma Alabama was the stimulus for his parents getting together and conceiving Barack Obama – except that the birth of Obama was in 1961 and the march at Selma in 1965.  Or that Texas has been a difficult state for the President, because as Obama stated, “Texas has always been a pretty Republican state, for, you know, historic reasons.” This would be a pretty big shock to the 150 years of democrat domination of Texas, from Sam Houston to Sam Rayburn through Lyndon Johnson and Ann Richards. The Globian narrative holds no event above another as they were all events of force or oppression  and therefore no need for clarity as to their relationship to each other.  History is parallel, and to the Globian the historical perspective of the Maori as important as the nation state.

Values    The Globian sees a value tradition as representative of societal prejudice.  The Globian is therefore entirely comfortable in the West throwing out the concept of marriage as being between a man and woman as reactionary and prejudicial, while being equally comfortable with an islamic radicalist throwing off the roof any individual believing otherwise.  Values of property and ownership seem archaic as they imply unfair advantage between peoples.  In the Global village, resources and production are cohabited – if you own that, you certainly didn’t build that.  The victim in a crime event may actually be the criminal, as his or her environment may have been such that they were drawn to violence or theft, and the victim instead the criminal, for owning the unfair advantage of wealth, skin-tone, or oppressive ancestors. Cultural values have to be leveled – splotches of paint thrown against canvas in anger reflect the same cultural value as carefully tendered art; hip hop poets measured against Shakespeare.  Religious standards are arbitrary – Jesus can be immersed in urine or lain upon a hammer and sickle, but Mohammed can not even be drawn.

Borders   The Globian is offended by arbitrary borders.  Borders seek to maintain for one people the bounty against another people, not the marker for a common set of principles or aspirational beliefs.  The nation state was founded to separate intermingling and diversity and must be progressively done away with to produce a universal equality.  Therefore concepts of citizenship are arbitrary.  Legal and illegal immigrants are assigned the same rights and privileges of citizenship.  A nation’s borders are turnstiles for migration, but the migrant may accept the bounties of the society without needing to accept any of its laws as binding.  The dissolution of borders progressively create one global village.

Rule of Law    The Globian sees laws as organic processes, not principles agreed upon.  The Constitution is a “living” document to be interpreted like any other time limited expression, requiring accountability and constant adjustment if it proves limiting.  Laws are inherently flawed in they require agreement through legislation.  The Globian prefers extra- legal regulation, as regulations can be extended far beyond the limitations of agreed upon laws, and changed as necessary to fit the “sense” of the law, rather than its precise delineated meaning.  Regulations additionally can provide universal control over individual pursuits, as these are antithetical to the global need to have a common uniformity of opinion.  Laws that don’t fit the narrative need to be overturned, a laborious process.  Regulations can be applied infinitely and without consent of the governed.  Globians see government as the answer for the needs of the governed, and regulations as the universal tool of governing.

Humans    The thought of humanity as having been ordained divinely with dominance over the earth is abhorrent to the Globian.  To the Globian, inanimate and animate objects hold equal sway.  Humans therefore need to respect the snail darter, and their damage to Mother Ghia borders on sacrilege.  Fresh water is not to be dammed or reservoired as water is meant to flow to the sea.  Modern humanity is driven to  kill the earth, plundering its resources and unfairly dominating its other species.  Humans gouge the surface of the Earth with mines, and scar Her viscera with fracking and drilling, for no other purpose then to produce the energy for humanity’s artificial comfort and the earth’s climatic demise.  Man as Lord over Nature is intolerable and unsustainable, and as its expression is so poorly distributed, must be stopped.

Science   the Globian needs to science to be “settled” where it fits a narrative, and be rejected where its does not. Science, since the Enlightenment,  the unprejudiced objective means by which man has been able to question the known and discover the unknown does not work for the Globian.  Science’s job as expressed by the Globian is to codify the Globian narrative, not to question it.  What good is uniform regulation of climate if people continually question the “science” behind it?  Why should the humanness of a fetus be questioned, if the discovery of its humanity would lead to questioning of the right of society  to ignore its personhood?  The Globian needs Wind power to be good, and Carbon to be bad, sexual education for toddlers to be good, and vaccinations to be bad.  The Globian wants science to regulate not illuminate and makes sure that contrary voices are labelled heretics.

The Globian in short, lives in a world of hypocrisy in my mind.  They are coddled in their modernity, but reject it for others. Being post modern hypocrites, they can fly private jets to give speeches to other globians to demand humans walk or ride mass transit.  They can decry racial intolerance while excusing the most extreme examples.  They insist others are held accountable to laws while ignoring those same laws themselves when it moves them.  They celebrate diversity, while driving people more and more into a generic uniformity that looks to squash all creative resilience.  In short, they want a global communal village, but one that suppresses the best impulses of thousands of years of developmental human rational thought, and they want it for everyone else.

The Globian age has momentum. What it doesn’t have is -integrity. Hopefully, at some point our unique need to be ourselves, will provide a more rigorous resistance. After all, throwing out 2700 years of progress for a few decades of loose values hardly seems to be a good trade.



One thought on “The Age of the Globians

  1. I believe Globians also exert their values on others such as fencing in “free range” children. Even snapping photos of cars improperly parked in an almost empty parking lot, then twitter and Facebook shaming them until they lose their jobs, have to empty their savings and retirement to survive, then ultimately trickle into obscurity because they made a mistake. A simple note, “please park carefully next time” may work for some, but not the Globian.

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