
Oh, To Be King…

Rule by decree is a style of governance allowing quick, unchallenged creation of law by a single person or group, and is used primarily by dictators and absolute monarchs. The expression is also sometimes used as a pejorative and polemical hyperbole when describing actions of democratic governments that are perceived to unduly bypass parliamentarian or […]... Read More

Verdict: Turns Out, It was a Wave…

So much for the concern that the 2014 midterm national election would defy a direction or interpretation.  Turns out, it was a wave election.  The extent of the wave effect continues to be poured over by the various constituencies that thought they understood what was going to happen, and woke up to find that something […]... Read More

A Wave versus a Ripple

The United States nationally participates every two years in perpetual rebirth as defined by the founding fathers. The securing of a representative legislature for governance occupies the  first article of the Constitution,  laid out in means by which renewal and stability can co-exist.  The house of representatives allied most closely to local expressions is positioned […]... Read More
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It is always a remarkable event when something you assume you know and understand reveals itself once again to be beyond understanding.  I have been to the grandest of canyons several times, but the thrill it elicits with the first sighting from the edge of the Colorado Plateau through which it has carved itself over […]... Read More
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Men With Masks

In 1989, there was an interesting moment for those who were in the map business.  Almost overnight, it seemed almost as if the entire Eurasian continent would require a reorganization and renaming. For those at Rand McNally , the midnight lamps were burning as new countries popped up daily as free standing entities – Estonia […]... Read More
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The Big Ditch Turns 100

In today’s culture of dependency, it is hard to remember a time not so long ago when a visionary idea no matter how difficult, time consuming, or potentially immensely risky, was seen as a genetic characteristic of our civilization.   For thousands of years until the nineteenth century, the progressively discoverable world was available at […]... Read More