
So You Say There’s A Chance…

If you relied on mainstream media projections of the world today, you would only know a pandemic world of shut down, economic malaise, chaos, and violence.  The leading foil for this calamitous vision is certainly the lizard king himself, President Donald John Trump.  Four years of projection of the president as a bully, ignoramus, naive […]... Read More

Distant Peals of Freedom: “The British Are Coming – The War for America Lexington to Princeton 1775-1777”

The current crisis and its restrictions on day to day mundane activities permits a silver lining, consistent time for reading and thinking.  The coordinated marriage of the two, concerted reading that leads to thinking about what you have read, is perhaps a neglected skill that deserves reinvigoration.  For those of us who love the study […]... Read More
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The Crack in the Wall

On a cold night in February, 1989, a twenty year old waiter at a local restaurant in East Berlin determined with a friend of his to engage a hasty plan to try and change their lives for good. They considered their odds somewhat better than the hundreds who had come before them, though there had […]... Read More

Justice Comes for Kayla Mueller

It always seems the end for the worst of humanity comes with a pathetic irony. Those who would waste the lives of hundreds of thousands, promoting themselves as steely icons of irresistible strength and ruthless ideologic will, often find their end in the pathetic circumstance of cowardly trying avoid their fate rather than facing their […]... Read More
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The Eagle Has Landed…

Audacity is a peculiarly American trait. On May 5th, 1961, the United States of America succeeded in launching a Redstone rocket propelling Freedom 7, a Mercury space capsule inhabited by first astronaut, Alan Shepard a distance of 101 nautical miles into space in a 15 minute sub-orbital flight, and successfully recovering both the capsule and […]... Read More


Jair Bolsanaro has just capped off a most tumultuous month.  Surviving an leftist assassination attempt in September, 2018, the former Brazilian army officer and long time congressman has blown through a primary, then, run off election,  with a crushing defeat of his socialist opponent.   Brazil,  a country that has been dominated by socialist populist […]... Read More