
22 December 1808

Public events sometimes exceed the real time shared experience to take on in retrospect a certain transcendent quality. As the event subsequently becomes elevated to an iconic cultural status, the number of people who actually were “there” and their memories of it, are exceeded by the ever larger group of people who over time tie the […]... Read More

9/11 Twenty Years Later – The Reckoning

The harrowing image even twenty years later sears with heat from distant memory. On a beautiful, crystal clear morning, September 11, 2001 , a vicious gash of reality was lanced across America’s psyche by determined Islamic terrorists orchestrated by an international collective looking to decapitate America’s confidence and vitality in a ruthless and brilliant multi-pronged […]... Read More
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History Redoux

It took an election of a President who started his political career in the 1970s to bring back all the gifts of that wonderful decade for a whole new generation of Americans to experience.  The list in the four short months President Biden has been in office affecting history is eerily familiar .  Gas shortages. […]... Read More
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The Unmoved Mover

It is a testament to the concept of towering intellect when your ideas, only partially preserved over the ancient recesses of time, contribute to the fundamental core of our understanding of just about everything 2400 years later.  That is the essence of the man Aristotle (384BC – 322BC) who lived in Greece at the time […]... Read More

Freedom of Speech

  America is a hot mess. Conceived with two of  the greatest foundational documents in history on the principles and means to “redress grievances”, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States with its associated Bill of Rights, the country instead has determined to dissolve itself into a morass of retribution and […]... Read More

The Politics of Anarchy

Whatever impulse for righteous protest propagated by the tragic death of George Floyd is long gone. Around the world, in a very organized fashion,  protests presumptively positioned to speak for people who have been profiled and abused by police, have exploded into calculated anarchic violence. From Tulsa to Tel Aviv, groups of agitators and their […]... Read More

Cultural Brutalism

  Slabs of irregular stained concrete, exposed metal framing on windows, and stacked geometries connected by sterile stairwells declining as much as elevating,  metastatically dominate the classic gabled tower, roofline and arches of the near by buildings in Lyon, France.  I suspect no citizen of Lyon was likely asked their opinion as to whether their […]... Read More